Find and recruit cover teachers in minutes

The agency alternative.


Are you a school or college looking for cover teachers?

Post your job in just a few taps

Get in front of the most relevant candidates. Jobs are promoted locally and nationally, ensuring full coverage and diversity.

Get vetted and verified teachers

Our dedicated in-house team will ensure every teacher is fully vetted and up to date.

Easily arrange interviews

Set your preferred times and dates and we'll take care of the rest.

Hire teachers here and now

Ready to hire? Select your teacher, send job offer with a single tap and you're all done. We'll be with you every single step of the way.

We take care of all the admin

You have enough on your plate, so we ensure all the necessary requirements are in place so you can focus on what matters to you.

Get started today

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit auctor scelerisque quam id magna risus nisi lectus odio interdum.”

Andy Smith
Head of recruitment at Berkshire University

By the numbers

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit eque dolor ipsum odio justo amet, urna, auctor dolor ist amenor.

Successful placements
Available teachers
Money saved for schools
in total
Higher salary for teachers
on average

How it works: For Teachers


Download our free app

Available on both iOS and Android.


Create a teacher account

Sign up as a teacher in just a few taps.


Upload vetting documents and get approved

Submit all relevant documentation only once and we deal with the rest.


Receive job offers

Once your identity and vetting documents are approved by our team, you will start receiving job offers straight into your pocket. Easy!

How it works: For Schools


Download our free app

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisci elit eque ips odio justo amet, urna.


Create a school account

Purus semper eget duis at. Porttitor leo a sollici. Et pharetra pharetra massa massa ultric.


Post your job

Sed turpis tincidunt id aliquet risus. In dictum non consectetur a erat. Tincidunt eget nullam non.


Receive vetted teacher profiles

Sed turpis tincidunt id aliquet risus. In dictum non consectetur a erat. Tincidunt eget nullam non.


Interview and hire

Sed turpis tincidunt id aliquet risus. In dictum non consectetur a erat. Tincidunt eget nullam non.

Why use educover

Key benefits of using our app

Fully Vetted Teachers

You can trust to get the best teachers available for your job.

Easy Access

Everything's in one place for you to easily access and manage.

Hire in Minutes

You need the cover, we have the teachers. Quick and simple.



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What’s included
Mi proin sed libero enim
Non tellus orci ac auctor augue
Nibh ipsum consequat
Viverra accumsan in nisl
Start free trial



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit tellus et.

Everything in pro +
Mi proin sed libero enim
Non tellus orci ac auctor augue
Nibh ipsum consequat
Viverra accumsan in nisl
Start free trial

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the app free?

The app is completely free to download and use.
Educover only charges schools and colleges for placing candidates.

What do I need to create an teacher account?

To create a teacher account, please make sure you have your documentation handy as you will not be able to receive job offers until your profile is verified.

This includes your Proof of Identity, DBS, Right to Work, CV and other relevant documentation.

You will only need to do this once when signing up. After that, you will be able to receive multiple job offers without having to upload your documents again.

Is the service available globally?

Currently, Educover only operates in the United Kingdom.

Do you have iOS and Android apps?

Educover is available on both iOS and Android.

Hire vetted teachers in minutes.
Get job offers in your pocket.

Get started for free today